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Android SDK won't import into Android Studio

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The ThingWorx Android SDK was designed to load without modification into Android Studio but due to recent changes in Android Studio, the Thingworx Always On Android SDK 1.0 needs to have minor modifications made to its build files before it will load or build. This changes will be made in the 1.1 release in July, 2016 but until then they will have to be updated after the user downloads the SDK.

Android Studio changed the minimum required Android build tools for gradle. This also forces a new version of gradle to be required. The following changes must be made to each set of SDK project build files.

The tw-android-sdk/gradle/wrapper/ file ( there is only one present in the entire sdk) must have this line changed from:

In all build.gradle files change
buildToolsVersion "19.1.0"
buildToolsVersion “21.0.0”

also in all build.gradle files change

{ classpath '' }


{ classpath '' }

Now you should be able to import and build all examples again.

Version history
Last update:
‎Jun 10, 2016 11:49 AM
Updated by:
Labels (2)