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Prevenitng a Model Change for a Drawing only change - using WF 4 & PDMLink 9


Prevenitng a Model Change for a Drawing only change - using WF 4 & PDMLink 9

I have a Pro/E WF 4 Model and its Referenced Pro/E WF4 Drawing released in
PDMLink 9.

I would like follow this process for making Drawing only changes:

a. Revise the Drawing in Common Space (New revision is created in
Windchill PDM at "In Work" state)

b. Add & Checkout the drawing to user workspace (This brings a copy of
the model)

c. Make a minor update to the drawing.

At this point, WF4 & PDMLink 9 think the model needs to be modified and
prompts me to checkout model or continue.

I do not want to modify the model so I will not choose checkout. However, If
I select continue - The model is updated in session within my local cache.
If I choose to make Drawing changes and check-in. The New Revision of the
drawing is now no longer referenced by the Model.

How can I prevent this model change and still maintain reference Model to
the new Drawing? Is this possible?

Appreciate your responses.

Hema Jatla | Datafrond LLC - <">> | Fax: +1 480.247.5908

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